

  • winter-drive-flyer

Winter Drive for Seniors

November 1, 2024|Comments Off on Winter Drive for Seniors

Our Winter Drive for Seniors kicks off November 11th! Help keep our clients warm by donating new and unused hand warmers, socks, hats, and gloves through December 13th. Every item makes a difference in [...]

  • freewill-flyer

Introducing FreeWill!

November 1, 2024|Comments Off on Introducing FreeWill!

Ever thought about leaving a lasting legacy? MOWSC is happy to offer FreeWill to help you create a legal will. It’s 100% free to you and can be completed in under 20 minutes. FreeWill [...]

  • subaru-share-the-love-event-2024-logo

Subaru Share the Love Event

November 1, 2024|Comments Off on Subaru Share the Love Event

It's back! We're honored to take part in this year's Subaru #ShareTheLove Event. For every new vehicle purchased or leased between November 21, 2024 to January 2, 2025, Subaru and its retailers will donate [...]

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Walmart Round-Up!

November 1, 2024|Comments Off on Walmart Round-Up!

Did you know that when you shop online or through the Walmart app, you can choose to round up your change and donate it directly to MOWSC? Help us deliver nutritious meals and support [...]

  • solano-partnership

Sustainable Solano Partnership!

October 1, 2024|Comments Off on Sustainable Solano Partnership!

We are thrilled to announce that we are partnering with Sustainable Solano to provide air purifiers to 40 MOWSC clients! The purifier and informational materials distribution is part of a project funded by the [...]

  • target-circle

We’re Featured on Target Circle!

October 1, 2024|Comments Off on We’re Featured on Target Circle!

We’re so excited to announce that we’re featured in Target Circle™! Vote for us in the Target app to direct Target funds that support our work. Here’s how: Choose ‘My Target’ in the Target [...]